33 Best Linen Storage Ideas (Organized & No Linen Closet!)

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If you’re like most people, you probably have a ton of linens. Sheets, towels, tablecloths, napkins – the list goes on and on.

And if you don’t have a linen closet to store linens in, then it can be tough to find a place to store them all!

In this blog post, we will discuss some storage ideas for your linens that will help keep them organized and easy to find!

Let’s get started!

What are the Best Linen Storage Ideas?

1) Use a Storage Ottoman

Source: Wikipedia

A storage ottoman is a great way to store your linens while still keeping them close at hand and make lots of sense if you have limited space in your home!

Storage ottomans are so extremely convenient because they can double up as functional furniture as well as storage.

Because they are large enough to store linen, all you have to do is simply fold them up and tuck them away inside the ottoman.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using a storage ottoman for your linens.

First, make sure that the ottoman is big enough to hold all of your linens. I would attempt to fold up the linens first before even looking to purchase a storage ottoman so you know that they would fit well.

If you already have a storage ottoman, this will prevent you from constantly pulling out and folding up linen after linen just to get to the one you need.

Second, consider getting a storage ottoman with wheels.

This will make it much easier to move around, especially if you need to access your linens often.

A plus point for this would be that you can wheel your leg rest ottoman around!

2) Use a Laundry Basket

A laundry basket is another great option for storing your linens. Simply fold them up and put them in the basket.

This is a great option if you have a lot of linens, as you can easily stack multiple baskets on top of each other.

If you can’t fit your linen, make sure you roll them up nice and tight to fit them in!

3) Use a Closet Organizer

If you have a linen closet, then using a closet organizer is a great way to keep your linens organized.

Even if you don’t own a linen closet, any other closet/cupboard can always use a closet organizer.

Simply fold them up and put them in the organizer. This is a great option if you have a lot of linens, as you can easily see everything that you have and grab what you need quickly.

When using a closet organizer, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, consider getting hanging organizers. If you have enough space on your metal racks, check out these hanging organizer shelves.

Second, consider getting an organizer with shelves. This will make it much easier to organize your linens and grab what you need quickly.

Third, consider getting an organizer with doors. This will keep your linens dust-free and looking new.

Fourth, choose stackable organizers.

These are great for filling up hallway closets, bedroom shelves, and mudroom closets. These are great for the storage of board games, puzzles, and toys!

4) Use a Storage Bench

Storage benches are a great way to store your linens while still keeping them close at hand and saving your storage space.

Who says that linen has to be stored in just linen closets?

All you have to do is simply fold them up and tuck the respective linens for each room inside the storage bench.

This is a great storage solution if you have limited space, as the bench can also double as a seat or footrest.

When using a storage bench for your linens, there are a few things to keep in mind.

You may want to consider getting a storage bench with wheels. This will make it much easier to move around, especially if you want to maximize storage space in your home.

Next, consider getting a storage bench with a lid. This will keep your linens dust-free and looking new.

5) Place Linens in Drawers Whenever Possible

If you have the option, place your linens in drawers whenever possible. This will keep them out of sight and help to prevent wrinkles.

6) Hang Linens on a Clothesline

Hanging your linens on a clothesline is a great way to air them out and prevent wrinkles. Simply fold them up and place them on the clothesline.

This is a great option if you have limited space, as the clothesline can also be used to hang other items such as clothing.

I will suggest only hanging linen that you change often on the clothesline because they can easily add clutter

When hanging your linens on a clothesline, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Fourth, don’t forget to label the clothesline! This will help you to easily find the linens you need when you need them.

7) Roll Up the Towels

Rolling up the towels is a great way to save space and keep them organized. Simply fold them up and roll them up tightly.

This is a great option if you have limited space, as it will allow you to store more towels in the same amount of space.

8) Learn to Fold Linen the Right Way

Folding linen the right way is a great way to prevent wrinkles and keep them looking like new.

It will also help to save lots of space in your home!

Simply fold them up any linen and follow the instructions below:

  1. Lay the sheet flat on a surface.
  2. Fold one side of the sheet in towards the middle.
  3. Fold the other side of the sheet in towards the middle.
  4. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise.
  5. Fold the sheet in half again.

9) Place Frequently Used Linen at Eye Level

Placing frequently used linen at eye level is a great way to save time and keep them organized.

Simply place the items you use most often in an easily accessible spot.

This is a great option if you have limited space, as it will allow you to store more linen in the same amount of space.

10) Use Clear Storage Solutions

Using clear storage solutions is a great way to see what you have and keep them organized.

Simply place your linen in clear containers so that you can easily see what you have.

If you have lots of linen, it can get really hard to keep track of linen stored in opaque boxes because you’ll have to open them up and peer inside to check.

If you’re going with any transparent storage solutions, make sure they are stored in a closet or something, because they can easily add to visual clutter if they are in plain sight in your room!

11) Don’t Forget to Label!

Labeling your linen is a great way to keep them organized. Simply label the containers or drawers that you are using to store your linen.

You can use these chalkboard label stickers so you can always change the labels as your storage needs change!

This will help you to easily find the items you need when you need them.

12) Keep an Inventory of Your Linen

Keeping an inventory of your linen is a great way to keep them organized. Simply list the items you have and their corresponding location.

I try to do this digitally, so I can refer to it anywhere using my phone or my computer.

I currently use Notion for this, but you can simply put it in a spreadsheet or a simple note-taking app like Apple notes.

13) Use a Small Dresser

Using a small dresser is a great way to keep your linen organized. Simply place your linen in the drawers and label them.

Dressers are great to keep large linen that isn’t too bulky. They are for storing simple linen-like hand towels, bath towels, and any extra linens.

This will help you to easily find the items you need when you need them, alongside your other clothes.

14) Use Under-the-Bed Storage

How do you deal with storage problems with linen, just throw it underneath the bed!

If your bed has any under-the-bed storage, make full use of it!

Using under-the-bed storage is a great way to make use of unused space. Simply place your linen in clear storage containers and label them with what they are filled with.

I will recommend you to store larger items such as bed linens, as you’ll have a larger space to fit under your bed.

This will help you keep things organized, out of sight, and somewhere you’d never expect to find space!

15) Hang Your Linen

Hanging your linen is a great way to keep them organized!

If you have the space for it in a laundry room, you can get these hanging pouches to hold towels and other smaller items.

This will help you to easily find the items you need when you need them.

16) Sort the Linen According to Its Color and Shade

Sorting your linen according to its color and shade is a great way to keep them organized.

This way, it will be really easy for you to find the right-colored linen for your sheets with a quick look.

If you have a linen closet, this will make a lot of sense, because sometimes it’s really hard to focus on what to pick out when you’re staring at a whole bunch of linen when you open its doors.

An organized linen closet is often one that segregates colors according to what colors they are because they will help you in picking out the colors that work in matching sets!

This may sound quite common sense, but it can actually help save you a lot of thinking in terms of decision fatigue.

17) Sort the Linen According to Their Function

Sorting your linen according to its function is a great way to keep them organized.

This way, it will be really easy for you to find the right linen.

For instance, you can put all your winter bedding in one place and all your summer bedding in another.

Or simply just put all the matching pieces into one particular portion of your closet or into the same storage box.

So if you have a matching pillowcase, bedsheet, and duvet, you’ll be able to find them all in one place when you want to swap your sheets for new ones!

18) Sort the Linen According to The Room They Are Used In

Sorting your linen according to the room they are used in is a great way to keep them organized.

This way, it will be really easy for you to find the right linen for the right room.

For instance, you can put all your bathroom linen in one place and all your bedroom linen in another.

19) Use Linen Storage Bags

Using linen storage bags is a great way to keep your linen organized.

Simply place your linen in the bags and label them.

You can use these Clear Zippered Storage Bags from Amazon to store a whole set of bedding, blankets, duvet covers, and comforters into it so you can just grab one and open it when you need them!

20) Fully Utilize Vertical Space

Don’t forget your vertical space! Many times, your clothes closet will have space above it that’s underutilized.

You can always place your bulkier items like luggage, big bags, and unwanted items on top, so you’ll save space for linen in the linen closets and regular clothes closets.

21) Use a Linen Chest

Using a linen chest is a great way to keep your linen organized.

You can use something like this Muji Wooden Storage Case to store towels of smaller sizes.

22) Sort the Bedsheets According to Their Size

Sorting your bedsheets according to their size is a great way to keep them organized.

This way, it will be really easy for you to find the right-sized bedsheet for your bed with a quick look.

Replacing your bedsheets will just get so much easier!

23) Don’t Store Any Linen in the Attic

Storing linen in the attic is a bad idea as the temperature and humidity levels in attics can damage them.

Moths and other insects can really destroy your linen over time.

24) Don’t Store Any Linen in the Basement

Storing linen in the basement is also a bad idea as the temperature and humidity level in there will destroy your linen from mold and mildew.

Chances are, you’d also be more likely to forget what’s down there, and let it rot away over time.

25) Keep Your Linen Away from Sunlight

Sunlight can damage your linen over time.

It can cause the colors to fade and the fabric to become brittle.

26) Store Your Linen in a Cool, Dry Place

Storing your linen in a cool, dry place is the best way to keep them in good condition. You’ll want to store them in either labeled stackable boxes or clear sealable bags.

27) Use Cedar Balls to Keep Moths Away

Cedar balls are great for keeping moths away from your linen.

Simply place the cedar balls in your linen storage area and they will do the job.

28) Use Lavender Sachets to Keep Moths Away

Lavender sachets are also great for keeping moths away from your linen.

Simply place the lavender sachets in your linen storage area and they will do the job.

29) Use the Minimal Amount of Linen

The best way to deal with the storage of large amounts of linen is not having that many linens to store in the first place!

Consider being very minimal in the way you pick and purchase linen, then you’ll face lesser problems of storing the down the line!

So before you buy more and more linen, make sure your purchase is intentional so you don’t build up more clutter over the years.

30) Use Hooks to Store Your Linen

Using hooks to store your linen is a great way to keep them organized.

Simply place the hooks in your linen storage area and hang your linen on them. This will help you to easily find what you need when you need it.

31) Throw Away Linen You Don’t Need

If you have linen that you don’t need, get rid of it! Just get rid of the linen that you’ve held on for too long and has holes in it.

There’s no point in storing something that you’re never going to use!

32) Donate Linen You Don’t Need

If you have linen that you don’t need, consider donating it to a local charity.

This way, someone else will be able to make use of it and you’ll have less clutter in your home.

33) Repurpose Old Linen Into Something New

If you have old linen that you don’t need, consider repurposing it into something new.

For instance, you could turn an old tablecloth into a new set of curtains.

There are so many possibilities!

Final Thoughts

There you have it! These are some of the best linen storage ideas that will help you keep your linen organized.

Implement these tips and you’ll be well on your way to a more organized home.

Thanks for reading! We hope this article was helpful.

If it was, please share it with your friends and family so that they can benefit from it too.

Happy organizing your linen! 😉

Justin Chia

Justin is the author of Justjooz and is a data analyst and AI expert. He is also a Nanyang Technological University (NTU) alumni, majoring in Biological Sciences.

He regularly posts AI and analytics content on LinkedIn, and writes a weekly newsletter, The Juicer, on AI, analytics, tech, and personal development.

To unwind, Justin enjoys gaming and reading.

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